Wednesday 16 April 2014

Fashion Illustrator-Mustafa Soydan

Mustafa Soydan is a turkish fashion illustrator.He is based Istanbul based illustrator.His works are totally complicated.He expressed himself through art based on his past,his wishes for future and also daily pleasures.

Mustafa Soydan did gorgeous illustrations of zodiac exclusively for Trendland.This is one of the work .(above)
The picture above is a taurus signage.I know this because from what i read from articles in magazines and other resources,taurus are bulls.They have horns.i love how Mustafa Soydan illustrate his works that can link with fashion.The mix media techniques are extremely gorgeous.He's work are also elegant and graphic.The character easily takes on her sign with effortless ease.

Apart from that,I was taken aback by this picture because,i was not sure if it's a digital work or a painting.I find this interesting because The work seems like photography but at the same this it look like painting and also at the same time the work is like a digital graphic work.I am impressed with his work.

I will not hesitate in saying that this is an artwork,a good one.I love abstract thinking and creativity.I love things that is out of the box and also,something weird to any normal person but not to designers.The flowers covering the face of the lady is like the trait mark of dolce & gabbana.This is because from my observation,dolce & gabbana textile designs are mostly flowers and rich gold colours.As for this work,it shows simplicity and also a trait mark of Dolce& gabbana.

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